You are informed that access and use of the website is subject to this legal notice, in compliance with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002, of Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSI-CE). It is recommended that you read this information. As a user, you agree to use the website in accordance with the provisions set out herein and the legal regulations in force at the time of use.
The Website is the property of Alicia Oliva Guerrero (hereinafter La Dehesa Properites). This legal notice regulates the access and use of the website hosted under the domain name (hereinafter the "Website"), as well as the contents, products, and services that the Provider makes available to its users , (hereinafter the "Users").
The Website may include links to other websites operated by third parties over whose content the Provider has no control and for which the Provider assumes no responsibility. In any case, redirection to websites whose content may contravene national or international legislation, morality or public order will be immediately suppressed, and the competent authorities shall be informed of the content concerned.
The Website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of the Provider or are licensed or authorized by the authors.
All the contents of the Website are duly protected by Spanish and international regulations on intellectual and industrial property and are registered in the corresponding public registers.
Regardless of the purpose for which it is intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization, require in all cases, prior written permission. Any unauthorized use will be considered a serious breach of the author's intellectual or industrial property rights. The designs, logos, text and/or graphics that do not belong to the Provider, which may appear on the Website, belong to their respective owners, who are responsible for any possible dispute that may arise with regard to them.
Any observation regarding possible infringements of intellectual or industrial property rights, or the contents of the Website itself, can be made by email and sent to The Provider expressly reserves the right to initiate any civil or criminal actions it is entitled to as recourse against any violation of the peaceful possession and/or unauthorized ownership of its industrial and intellectual property rights.
In accordance with applicable data protection regulations, all personal data provided by the User through the relevant forms, while using the Website, will be processed by The Provider, in accordance with the Website's Privacy Policy.
The Provider will treat the User's personal data confidentially and in accordance with applicable data protection regulations and undertakes not to disclose such information to third parties, unless necessary in the fulfilment of contractual obligations or required by law.